[SCCC] CAC Club Competition Study status report from Ned Stearns AA7A

Dan Violette danki6x@pacbell.net
Thu, 30 Aug 2001 12:15:15 -0700

Re: A Comment to Proposed Club Competition

Multi-operator scores.  Currently, if at least 66% of the operators in a
multi-op entry are members of the same club, the entire score goes to
that club.  We have recommended dropping the 66% requirement and,
instead, allocating the multi-op's score among participating clubs in
proportion to their numbers of members among the operators.

This is the only change I was not necessarily in favor.  With this rule (and 
when we had a club station at work and did some multi-op contesting) we 
could get non-SCCC members to operate as kind of a "see what your missing" 
thing and the full score counted toward SCCC.  I know of one person that 
joined SCCC soon after operating with us, and is still a member.  If this 
rule would get changed and cut into the club reportable score, the desire to 
recruit non-club members would be much lower.  Point-wise it would be better 
to get an uninterested SCCCer to operate to fill in gaps, even if they only 
make a few Qs.  Else the non-SCCCer better be one extremely high scorer and 
more than compensate for the percentage of our score reduction for club 
reporting purposes.

Dan Violette

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