[SCCC] Possible SCCC Meeting
Richard J. Norton
Fri, 30 Aug 2002 19:07:17 -0700
I'm thinking about hosting a SCCC meeting at my QTH in Topanga.
The major meeting topic would be the CW Sprint, which will be held
from 5 PM to 9 PM local time, Saturday September 7.
I suggest that you operate some of the contest on 20 CW, in
particular. You then might find the meeting quite interesting.
I propose that each of us talks for a couple of minutes on what we
did, and anything interesting. The objective of this is to get people
participating rather than just attending as spectators.
"Hi. I'm Joe, WB6XQJ from Death Valley. I operated the first 2 hours
of the contest and made 43 QSOs from my apartment using a 1956
Oldsmobile auto radiator as an antenna. Enjoyed working the VE8. Even
though he was 30 dB over 9, N6TJ/XE0 never heard me. The guy must be
You are welcome to attend the meeting even if you don't operate in the
Sprint. You will be expected to give an excuse for not being on, such
as, "I was in the hospital having a heart transplant."
I'm thinking of either Sunday afternoon, September 8th, Sunday
September 15th or Sunday September 22nd.
Is anyone interested? If so, which day would you prefer?
Dick Norton, N6AA
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