[SCCC] Fwd: [CQ-Contest] mini-CWSS Friday night

Doug Brandon n6rt@arrl.net
Fri, 01 Nov 2002 08:54:33 -0800

For anybody that wants to get some SS practice...

 >Date: Fri, 01 Nov 2002 07:47:12 -0800
 >From: Haddon/N6ZFO <hounds1234@attbi.com>
 >Subject: [CQ-Contest] mini-CWSS Friday night
 >ARRL Sweepstakes enthusiasts everywhere are cordially invited to join the
 >Northern California Contest Club (NCCC) for our traditional CW mini-SS 
 >(Friday) on 80 and 40 meters.  Re-familiarize yourself with that complex SS
 >exchange before Saturday and check out software, antennas and equipment in
 >advance of the big event.  We'll conduct the practice for 20 minutes, then
 >meet on 3830 for discussion.
 >Time:  0500Z - 0520Z (2100-2120 Local Pacific Time)
 >Freqs: 3550 ±    7050 ±
 >Share scores and SS discussion afterwards on 3830 ssb.
 >73  Bill N6ZFO
 >Vice President/Contest Chair
 >Northern California Contest Club