[SCCC] RE: Contesters callsigns deleted
Alan C. Zack
Sat, 05 Oct 2002 07:44:29 -0700
Since I presented this question and started this thread I thought I would
post the results and close it.
K1KI pointed me to a website:
which was updated yesterday after my inquiry which has the correct
MASTER.DTA downloads.
I also found for those who use the K1EA web site for their CT updates that
these files can be reached in the following manner:
Go to www.k1ea.com as normal. Go to the MASTER CALLSIGN UPDATE page
either by clicking on the UPDATE CT tab on the CT home page or by clicking
the link along the left margin of the page. Once you are on the MASTER
CALLSIGN UPDATE page of CT you will find 3 download links: masped.zip,
masvhf.zip, and master.dta. DO MOT download this master.dta file (That was
my mistake). Instead, near the top of the page there is a link:
Master Databases from DATOM Web Site.
Use this link to connect to the correct MASTER.DTA downloads. This will
give you the same files as in the website K1KI pointed me to. These were
updated yesterday, and contain mine and the DX calls I was concerned about.
Good luck in the CQP this weekend. See you in the CQWWDX and ARRL 10 meter
contests from the Philippines again this year.
Alan Zack
Amateur Radio Station K6ACZ
Anaheim, Southern California, USA
Quality Engineer, The Boeing Company, Retired
Aviation Chief Warrant Officer, U.S. Coast Guard, Retired
U.S. Coast Guard, Always Ready, Always There
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