[SCCC] Traveling with a HF Rig

Alan C. Zack k6acz@earthlink.net
Fri, 20 Sep 2002 17:17:43 -0700

Would anyone who has traveled with a HF rig since 9/11/01 please pass on to
me their experiences and recommendations.
I travel to the Philippines every 2 or 3 years for the CQWWDX and/or ARRL
10 mtr Contests.  My previous trips there were before 9/11/01 and I had no
problem hand carrying my Kenwood TS-50 and AT-50 in the carry case Kenwood
designed for that purpose.  I was once asked at LAX what it was and I
showed the security checker the TS-50 Operating Manual and they allowed it
no problem.  I have traveled to Europe since 9/11/01 WITHOUT a rig and
noticed the increase in airport security.  I will be departing from LAX and
will have a layover with an additional security check in Hong Kong.  On my
return, I will have security checks at Manila and again at Hong Kong.  I
have nightmares of the security people confiscating my rig, questioning me,
and causing me to miss my non-refundable fare flight.  If I were to instead
pack it in my checked baggage, and the bag was later x-rayed and they
thought it was suspicious, what would they then do?
My travel agent and the airline people at Cathay Pacific are no help, they
suggest I leave it at home.  But it is kind of hard to work a contest
without a rig.
I will also have a laptop for logging and have no problem if they ask me to
turn it on to prove it is operational.  But what about the TS-50?  I would
need to find power to plug it in, and then all it could put out would be
static with no antenna.
I know some of you DXer's out there must have traveled with a rig since
9/11/01 and may be able to share your experiences with me. 
TIA & 73


		      Amateur Radio Station K6ACZ
                     Anaheim, Southern California, USA
                Quality Engineer, The Boeing Company, Retired
         Aviation Chief Warrant Officer, U.S. Coast Guard, Retired
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