[SCCC] 160 Meter Fishing Buoy Beacons

Art W6KY w6ky at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 9 23:01:03 EDT 2003

As the Northern Hemisphere's low-band season fades with the
increasing sunlight, don't forget that our friends south of the
equator are just beginning their season.  In particular, the VK's and
ZL's will become easier to work with each passing week.  While you're
listening Pacific-wards, you'll no doubt hear some weak, beacon-like
signals emanating from fishing buoys.  These have primary allocation
status between 1900 and 2000 kHz and share the band with amateurs
between 1800 and 1900 kHz.  Their transmitters run from 100 mW to 10
W and have a 10-foot loaded whip antenna.  While they're supposed to
be licensed, some aren't, but you can use these signals as an
indication that the band is open.  Here's a URL -
http://www.taiyomusen.co.jp/ehomepage/Radiobuoysystem.html -- with
more information about them. (Thanks, Thom SM6CNS)

courtesy: The ARRL Contest Rate Sheet. Available to ARRL members via email free of charge directly from ARRL HQ.

Art W6KY    www.w6ky.com  

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