[SCCC] Field Day Invitation
Martin Woll
Martin Woll" <n6vi@earthlink.net
Fri, 3 Jan 2003 08:09:09 -0800
Happy New Year, contesters!
Last fall during the SCCC meeting at N6AA's QTH we discussed getting the =
club active in Field Day again. Due to the geographic dispersion of our =
membership it was suggested that several localized teams be assembled to =
work either as individual units or as part of larger local efforts with =
nearby clubs.
To that end, the JPL / Caltech Field Day crew has invited up to six SCCC =
members to join the W6VIO Field Day team this June at their excellent =
Mount Gleason site in the Angeles National Forest. The site is =
convenient to members living in the San Gabriel, San Fernando and =
Antelope Valleys. The operation, led by Bob Polansky N6ET, Warren =
Dowler KE6LEA and Jay Holladay W6EJJ, uses the 24-hour advance-setup =
provisions of the FD rules to erect tents and towers and assemble =
antennas and stations beginning Friday before the event. The =
infrastructure is excellent: Forest Service permits, tower trailers and =
portable sections, monoband beams, rigs, coax, generators, networked =
laptop computers, tables & chairs, eating facilities, latrine, etc. are =
all arranged by JPLARC and CITARC, as are bonus points for publicity, =
solar, demo modes and so on. The transmitter category, typically 4A or =
5A, is chosen to insure plenty of operating time for those who desire =
With an operation of this scope, there is a lot of work to do before =
and after the operating period: staging and loading of equipment, towing =
trailers, pitching tents, building antennas, raising and guying sections =
and, of course, taking it all apart and getting everything back down the =
mountain. I'm certain those who would like to operate and help in the =
various pre- and post-activities will find it a great experience, as I =
have for the last several years. If you are interested in participating =
in the W6VIO Field Day this June, please let me know. Space is limited, =
so get your bid in early!
Separately, I'd appreciate hearing from those of you arranging similar =
SCCC involvement in such efforts as W6TRW or planning separate =
Marty Woll N6VI
(818) 773-9655
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