N6ki@aol.com N6ki@aol.com
Sun, 12 Jan 2003 04:54:11 EST

 Exchanged Information: XE2MX LOCO MX  
     Hours of Operation: 09:59
     band      QSOs      points    mults
     160          7           7       4
      80        106         106      37
      40        101         101      36
      20        119         119      43
      15        213         213      49
      10        193         193      51
     TOTAL      739         739     220      SCORE: 162,580
     Club or Team Name: SCCC #2

Think this was my best ever CW score from XE2MX, was expecting to kill 1.5 
hrs in the doldrums of afternoon but never happened, (killed first 30 minutes 
of contest due to late arrival at station) , bands just kept on cooking in 
mid afternoon.
A S9 buzz killed any opportunity on 20 mtrs around 4 PM.
80 was surprisingly quiet for 1st time in several years.  Need to get the 
80/160 RX loop back on line by summer NAQP. TS-850SAT, ancient W9GR DSP, 
ancient TH6DX, 40/80 dipoles, 160 inverted L....lots of city QRN.....

73, Dennis N6KI 

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