[SCCC] Fwd: NCCC NS Contest Tonight

Doug Brandon N6RT n6rt at dabware.com
Thu Jul 15 13:32:59 EDT 2004

Please join NCCC for tonight's 20-minute NCCC CW Sprint, "NS".

We'll soon have rules 'finalized' and available
on the web, but here's the info for tonight's NS:

Date: Thursday, July 15
Time: (0340-0400Z Fri)
       2040-2100 PDT
       2140-2200 MDT
       2240-2300 CDT
       2340-0000 EDT

Freq: 7040, 3540, 1820 (lasts 5 minutes?)

Rules for NS (NCCC Sprint):

Format: Similar to Internet Sprint:

       -- Call "CQ NS", "NS" etc.
       -- Exch #, Name from **previous** QSO, State.
            -- Send your chosen name on first QSO.
       -- Work dupes after 1 intervening Q on same band,
          0 after band change. OK to work a station twice
          in a row on same band if you wish, but deduct
          the Q from your score)
       -- QSY rule: After 1 or 2 Q's, as appropriate, move
          1 KHz or more.
       -- Power 150w or less.

Guidelines: CW speed at 20 wpm or below *for the first
ten minutes*.  At any time, please match the speed of
the responding or CQing station and be mindful of on-going QSO's.

Reporting: If you wish, report score (= # Q's) and comments
to n6zfo at arrl.net (not to CQ-Contest).

NCCC Net immediately following on 3853 at 0400Z.

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