[SCCC] SCCC Meeting - November 13 at N6HC in Santa Ana
Richard J. Norton
richardjnorton at gmail.com
Fri Oct 21 13:20:36 EDT 2005
Mark your calendars!
The highly radio-active Southern California Contest Club will hold one
of its exciting meetings at the the N6HC QTH in Santa Ana, at 1 PM on
Sunday, November 13.
Arnie will show some pictures of the recent K7C DX-pedition.
This is 2 weeks after the CQWW Phone DX Contest and one week after the
CW SS, so there should be a story or two to tell. Get on the air and
have a contact or two to report.
Arnie Shatz, N6HC
10931 Hunting Horn
Santa Ana, CA 92705
(714) 573-2965
n6hc at: aol ;dot com
During the week before the meeting, please let Arnie and I know if you
expect to be there. I'll be sending a reminder.
I'm off to Jamaica to join Rastaman Art Goddard, who should be there by now.
See you in the contests and at the meeting.
Dick Norton, N6AA
(310 455-1138
n6aa at' arrl :dot org
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