[SCCC] SCCC Dinner Meeting Friday, January 12th Near LAX

Richard J. Norton richardjnorton at gmail.com
Sat Dec 23 00:45:28 EST 2006

Mark your calendars.

There will be a dinner meeting of the Southern California Contest Club
on Friday evening, January 12th. The exact location is still to be
determined, but will be near LAX Airport.

Bernd Langer, VK2IA, VK9AA, DL1VJ, etc. will be in town, and is
staying at the airport Marriott that night. The meeting will be a
chance to meet Bernd, who is one of the most active Australian

If anyone has a suggestion of where to meet, please let me know.

Happy holidays to all.


Dick Norton, N6AA
(310) 455-1138
n6aa at arrl.org

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