[SCCC] SCCC Dinner Meeting Friday, January 12th Near LAX
Richard J. Norton
richardjnorton at gmail.com
Wed Dec 27 02:40:56 EST 2006
The SCCC meeting will be at the Proud Bird Restaurant, on the east
side of Aviation Boulevard, two blocks north of Imperial Highway on
Friday, January 12.. The Proud Bird is just at the east end of the LAX
Airport north runway. See http://www.theproudbird.com/
Let's gather for cocktails at 6 and dine at 7. The menu is even shown
on the web-site.
Please let me know if you are coming so I can get a rough idea of how
many seats to reserve. If there are enough of us, we can probably get
a private room. If you decide to come at the last minute, just show
So far we have, VK2IA, N6TJ, W6AQ, N6ZFO, and N6AA.
FYI - A number of you are members of the Southern California DX Club.
They meet the day before in Culver City. See www.scdxc.org . They have
recruited the ARRL Southwestern Division Director to speak at their
meeting. He will cover things like ARRL staff changes affecting DX and
contesting. If you are interested in hearing the talk, I'm sure the DX
Club would welcome your presence.
The same guy will be at the SCCC meeting, and will likely give an
abbreviated version of the report. We'll also hear from Bernd, VK2IA,
about operating from VK9AA. He has the place on Cocos reserved again
for both phone and CW CQWW 2007 events.
See you on the 12th.
Dick Norton, N6AA
(310) 455-1138
n6aa at arrl.org
On 12/22/06, Richard J. Norton <richardjnorton at gmail.com> wrote:
> Mark your calendars.
> There will be a dinner meeting of the Southern California Contest Club
> on Friday evening, January 12th. The exact location is still to be
> determined, but will be near LAX Airport.
> Bernd Langer, VK2IA, VK9AA, DL1VJ, etc. will be in town, and is
> staying at the airport Marriott that night. The meeting will be a
> chance to meet Bernd, who is one of the most active Australian
> contesters.
> If anyone has a suggestion of where to meet, please let me know.
> Happy holidays to all.
> 73,
> Dick Norton, N6AA
> (310) 455-1138
> n6aa at arrl.org
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