[SCCC] Wall Transformers and Low Power Line Voltage

Art - W6KY w6ky at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jul 25 13:21:02 EDT 2006

Something I experienced this weekend (which I'm sure a lot of you
have already taken care of) is my SDG&E AC line voltage dropped
to 98 volts.  Along the way, everything I use that has a wall wart started
acting wierd.   DSL modem (DX Internet Spots),  MM3 keyer,
my remote in line watt meter, Epson printer, powered speakers,
Palomar Pre-Amp, DSL wireless Router....
At about 105 VAC the wall warts stopped
delivering the proper voltage.... I cut all my wall warts and wired them 
regulated Astrons and the problem stopped. For the 5 volts and 9 volts,
I used some lab regulated supplies and that fixed that.....
So, in the middle of a contest, it's not a good idea to have anything
that is vital hooked to a wall transformer.... In fact, I would get rid 
of them
all and only use regulated supplies.....Most of those will still put out 
proper voltage all the way down to 90 volts AC.....
73, Art  W6KY
ps:  I need help putting up my 4 200' towers for my 160 meter 4-square
this weekend....Oh wait..That was a dream.. Never mind...

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