W6ph@aol.com W6ph at aol.com
Wed Mar 1 06:47:47 EST 2006

I'll be back at VP9GE's place for ARRL SSB and will have an ear out for the 
sixes (and 7's - K7ACZ, N7CW).  My radio is a new IC-7000 which works very 
well.  If you can hear me, I can probably hear you.  It has a great receiver.  I 
will be active on all bands and will be glad to QSY to another band for a quick 
QSO if I don't have a great run going.  Generally, things slow down on Sunday 
and it is easy to make a quick QSY if we have propagation.  Ten meters will 
be a challenge.  There was only about two hours of propagation on Sunday of the 
CW 'test.  Thanks for all the packet spots.  Good luck and have fun.
                                                         73, Kurt, W6PH/1 (9F 
last night in NH)

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