Michael Tope W4EF at dellroy.com
Wed Mar 8 09:15:23 EST 2006

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "JOHN SCHROEDER" <n6qq at msn.com>

>            Heard  ZD8I, Jim most of the day Sat. on 15 meters - but signal 
> never came up to S2 - never could break that pileup.
>            As others, did work KH7X on 6 bands - only station I could 
> reach on 160.  Did you work YA1OJ on 20 meters.
>            Wiped out the Balun on the 40 meter 1 el hy-gain.  Need 
> suggestions for a higher power balun.

Let me guess, John - the rotary dipole used a BN-86
balun right? They are notorious for being fuses. A coil
of RG213 on a piece of plastic drain pipe will work just
fine (especially for a monoband antenna):


They recommend 12 turns on a 4" form. I would go
with 8 turns on a 6" form.

If you want something a bit smaller, you can also buy
current balun's from DX Engineering or Array Solutions
which use ferrite cores.

73, Mike W4EF....................................................

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