[SCCC] CA Counties for CA QSO Party Abbreviations
Alan Zack
k7acz at cox.net
Thu Sep 28 20:21:45 EDT 2006
Hi Kurt,
Thanks for the info. Here is what is posted on the CQP web site
concerning software:
CT by K1EA
* Multiplier files for new CQP multiplier names here
<http://www.cqp.org/software/ctcqpmult.zip>. (thanks N6TV)
* CTWin 9.92 or CT for DOS 9.92 recommended. (CT 10 is not yet
working properly for CQP.)
* If you are in California, use CQP.DAT, otherwise CQP1.DAT (and
rename it to 'CQP.DAT').
* CT does not output a Cabrillo file for CQP. Use the free program
by KA5WSS, LogConv v1.73b
<http://www.ka5wss.com/Software/LogConv/Old/wlogconv.zip>, to
create a Cabrillo file from your CT .bin file. You will need to
edit the top of the Cabrillo file (header info.), and manually add
the State or County sent using a text editor's find and replace
feature before uploading the Cabrillo file to the CQP log
submission w <http://logs.cqp.org/>eb site <http://logs.cqp.org/>.
I can confirm these problems. I had been using CTWin 10.x.x since it
came out for all my contesting. That was part of my problem as it did
not score CQP correctly, did not track my mults, and other problems.
Until I read this I did not think of going back to CTWin 9.92 that may
fix the scoring problem. Also, as noted above, it does not output a
Cabrillo file. I did not know about the KA5WSS LogConv program so used
the paper log forms from the CQP web site to submit my entry. That
meant using my CT CQP Contest log printout and manually typing those
line entries into the blank forms. As it was I didn't score my entry
properly and didn't give myself as many points as I deserved but the
contest log checkers found my mistakes and updated my score.
73, Alan, former K6ACZ, Orange Cty and portable Imperial and Tulare
Counties in past CQP's.
W6ph at aol.com wrote:
> Alan, I have always used CT for CQP. It has worked well for me.
> You have to use a late version of CT9, maybe 9.57 or later. It is
> very easy to edit the cqp.dat file to include all possibilities of
> abbreviations which you may need this year!! I didn't like TR Log
> because you can't go back more than 5 or so QSOs to make changes.
> 73, Kurt, W6PH
Alan Zack
Amateur Radio Station K7ACZ
Official USCG Auxiliary Comm Station
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Delta Rocket Quality Engineer, The Boeing Company, Retired
Aviation Chief Warrant Officer, U.S. Coast Guard, Retired
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