Juan w6now at hushmail.com
Wed Feb 21 03:56:53 EST 2007

John, I have made the copies of the DVD but I'm in the process of 
moving to a new house and the DVD's are stored in a box until a few 
more weeks after i move. 

Please wait another 2-3 weeks and i will let you know once I send 
out the DVD's out to the SCCC team.

sorry for the delay (SCCC group), but that is how this buro works ;-

73 de w6now.

On Tue, 20 Feb 2007 11:41:36 -0800 John Graf <john at wa6l.com> wrote:
>Hi, Juan,
>I know I have bugged you about this before, and I apologize for 
>such a pain in the neck, but I am really trying to get a copy of 
>SO2R DVD.  I've written to the NCCC where it was produced, but 
>referred me to the SCCC (of which I am a member).
>At any rate, I am more than happy to pay for any costs involved in 

>making a copy or mailing it out.  Just let me know what you need 
>my end and I will take care of it.
>Thanks and 73!
>John Graf, WA6L
>23085 Old Ranch Rd
>Alpine, CA  91901
>The world is best viewed through the ears of a horse.

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