N6KI Dennis Vernacchia n6ki_73 at sbcglobal.net
Mon Jan 22 01:55:36 EST 2007

Didn't make the magic 1000 Qs as I sacrificed a lot of Qs on 40 so
I could milk 75 mtrs last 2 hours of contest for much needed
Qs and Mults which actually would yield a better score

10 DOA

15 Puny......

80 and 160, getting Qs was like pulling Hen's teeth
I just have too much ambient noise around me
and even my 6 foot RX Loop with preamp couldn't pull
the weak ones out - condx on 80 and 160 not so good

40/20/15 the money bands

Band   Qs   Mults

160   36      15
80     106    30
40      322   49
20      285   47
15      235   32
10         1      1

       985      174   = 171, 390

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