[SCCC] SCCC Gathering at Southwestern Division Convention Next Weekend

Art w6ky at sbcglobal.net
Sun Sep 2 02:30:26 EDT 2007

Strategy for CQP.. 
If you are a California station, call CQ on an open band!
73, Art  W6KY
Oh Yeah!  Be sure to have a few hundred pounds of finely RF waxed
aluminum up about 200 ft and 'stacked amps' with finals that have 

N6OO - Tony wrote:
> Hi Dick, 
> I have been debating on if I should go or not & this forum certainly gives me a positive reason to attend.  It always seems like a pain driving in to Hawthorne, but I guess I can  tough it out.
> One topic  I would really appreciate hearing from is strategy from folks on the CQP.  Suggested rally times for SCCC & Southern California operators on the various bands would be a great benefit, I feel, for helping each other out.  
> Specifically getting a couple of rally times set up for Ten Meters could draw interest & assistance from some of the Tech's and the rest of us to get those contacts especially during times when the picking might otherwise be slim.  Maybe even make it into a contest within a contest for most local contacts &/or QSO's with Tech's?
> I would like to provide my own local Ham club (W6IER) with info & suggested rally times for this contest in order to try to drum up interest. If we could come up with some written up or at least some definite decided upon strategy from this forum to then implement come October 6, that would be cool. 
> Those are my thoughts. 73
> Tony, N6OO
> ---- "Richard J. Norton" <richardjnorton at gmail.com> wrote: 
> =============
> The largest Amateur Radio gathering in the division, ARRL Southwestern
> Division Convention at the Torrance Marriott takes place next weekend.
> SCCCers will gather at the Contest Forum, Saturday afternoon, from 1
> to 2 PM, in a room capable of seating 100 people.
> This is an opportunity for SCCC to acquire new members.  I encourage
> you to attend, and help make potential members feel welcome.
> Does anyone desire to bring anything up at the meeting? For example,
> does anyone have a short presentation on a California QSO party
> activity? The CQP certainly interests plenty of California hams.
> All the major Ham Radio manufacturers will be at the convention, together
> with the the local major retailers. Whether you come for the weekend
> or make a day trip, this promises to be a enjoyable event.
> A full program of talks and open discussions encompassing many of the
> aspects of Amateur Radio is planned.
> QSL checking for ARRL's DXCC and WAS awards will be available near the
> ARRL booth on Saturday afternoon, starting at 1 PM.
> See www.hamcon.org for more convention details.
> I hope to see you there.
> 73,
> Dick Norton, N6AA, SCCC President
> (310) 455-1138
> n6aa at arrl.org
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