[SCCC] RTTY / PSK Software

Bill Shell n6ws at charter.net
Sat Jan 5 21:37:18 EST 2008


For normal day-to-day digital contacts on RTTY and PSK31, I use
WinWarbler, which is part of the DXLab suite of programs.   For RTTY or
PSK contesting I use N1MM.  Both WinWarbler and N1MM use MMTTY, so the
setup is similar. 

As the computer to radio interface I use the microHAM microKEYER.  Prior
to getting it, I used a simple interface with two transformers.  I also
used a simple interface much like your CW interface for the PTT and FSK
lines to the radio.  The TS-940S has the all the needed interfaces/ports
necessary for RTTY & PSK. 

This weekend is the ARRL RTTY Round-Up.  It would have been a good
weekend for you to have been on RTTY.  There are several RTTY and PSK
contests throughout the year.  I am usually a somewhat casual
participant in them, but it is always nice to work a new country on a
different mode. 

73, Bill

Dennis Younker NE6I wrote:
> I had such a good response to my inquiry about logging software that I 
> thought I would throw another inquiry out to the SCCC group.
> First, I admit it. I have only one career QSO on RTTY and zero on PSK31. 
> There. I said it.
> However, there is some interest here.  I would be interested in hearing 
> suggestions for contest and non-contest software for these modes.  I am 
> using a Kenwood TS-940S, so I don't have all the fancy ports that the modern 
> radios have. Thus, I might need some suggestions for interface equipment as 
> well.
> As an aside, I have a simple CW interface today that ties the 940 to my PC 
> via serial port. Works very well. Obviously, that won't work for the digital 
> modes.
> Thanks in advance.
> --Dennis, NE6I
> --(interested in trying something other than CW and SSB!) 
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