[SCCC] Intentional QRM

Cliff Frescura cf at cfcorp.com
Mon Jan 14 13:14:20 EST 2008

> It would be refreshing if we could report a bad signal or
> bad operating without being viewed as being worse than the
> offenders. Unless we change the attitude that anything and
> everything is OK the problems you had will only get worse.
> The problem isn't a few stations. The problem is the overall
> attitude.
> 73 Tom

It was indeed quite refreshing this morning to hear TO5FJ on 17m SSB calling
out stations (many times by full call) that were...

1.  Calling outside of their #'s (looking for 6's with 3's calling)
2.  Calling outside of their calls (looking for station ending in Echo with
station ending in Zulu calling)
3.  Dupes ("why are you calling again?")

I don't know who the op was at TO5FJ, but he kept the pile well under


Cliff K3LL/6

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