Glenn Rattmann k6na at cts.com
Mon May 5 22:38:37 EDT 2008


I was hoping to see the 480S numbers on the Sherwood Engineering 
website (Rob Sherwood is widely recognized as a receiver expert), but 
I don't see them there.  Somebody in Colorado needs to loan him a 
480S so he can make the measurements.

I've been mildly interested in one, too, as a DC-powered HF backup to 
my main rig, and six-meter rig.



Glenn K6NA

At 03:39 PM 5/5/2008, you wrote:

>I was looking into the TS-480SAT but doing a direct
>compare of performance numbers is a challenge. The
>ARRL keeps changing (I think for the better) the
>things they measure (ex 5KHZ IMD vs 2KHZ IMD). It is
>hard to do a direct compare just looking at product
>reviews when they are all tested with different
>Does anyone have any comments positive or negative
>regarding the TS480SAT as a contest rig while on the
>Also, one of the features of this rig remote over the
>internet. It looks intriguing, has anyone tried this?
>AD6ZJ, Loren

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