Michael Tope W4EF at dellroy.com
Thu Feb 26 02:37:52 PST 2009

           ARRLDXCW Score Summary Sheet

       Start Date : 2009-02-21

    CallSign Used : W4EF
      Operator(s) : W4EF

Operator Category : SINGLE-OP-ASSISTED
             Band : ALL
            Power : HIGH
             Mode : CW
 Default Exchange : CA

             Name : Mike Tope
          Address : 11018 Cardamine Drive
   City/State/Zip : Tujunga  CA  91042
          Country : USA

     ARRL Section : LAX
        Club/Team : Southern California Contest Club
         Software : N1MM Logger V8.6.3

        Band    QSOs    Pts  Cty
         1.8      17      51   12
         3.5      19      57   15
          14       4      12    3
       Total      40     120   30

            Score : 3,600
              Rig : FT1K MKV + Alpha 91B

         Antennas : 160 Meter Inverted L + Tuner for 80M
                    1/2 of a Cushcraft A3 tribander driven element fed 
as a trapped vertical ground plane (base at 20ft) for 20 meters


Goofed around a little bit on the lowbands while catching up on the some 
QSL chores. Conditions on 160 didn't seem too good. I only heard one 
European (TM6M). Things seemed a little better on 80. Someday I need to 
get serious about this contest. Congratulations to team N6MJ/W6YI for an 
outstanding operator + outstanding station builder effort. You guys 
continue to amaze me.

73, Mike W4EF.......

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