Wild Bill Wiederhold wb6bfg at gmail.com
Sun Jan 18 15:18:59 EST 2009

                  North American QSO Party, SSB

Call: WB6BFG
Operator(s): WB6BFG
Station: WB6BFG

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: Oceanside, CA
Operating Time (hrs): 8:35

 Band  QSOs  Mults
 160:    5     3
  80:   48    18
  40:   30    10
  20:  192    47
  15:    2     1
  10:    2     1
Total:  279    80  Total Score = 22,320

Club: Southern California Contest Club

Team: SCCC #4

As most reports have already mentioned - band conditions were far from
fantastic. Had a *procedure* done on Tuesday that the aftermath didn't let
me sit, stand or much else for too long at a time. One thing I should have
done was have Ellen (N6UWW) sign up for team 4, because she ran her own log
when I couldn't sit here. All in all a good time was had.

Thanks for the fun!

Yaesu FT-1000MP MK-V Field
TH7 (the "Two Rope Tenna")
G5RV & 1/4 wave 160m Sloper

73 de WB6BFG ~ Wild Bill

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