[SCCC] Everyone Okay?

Marty Woll n6vi at socal.rr.com
Sun Apr 4 21:16:28 PDT 2010

Hi, Dennis.

Los Angeles ARES activated a net within 30 seconds of feeling the 7.2.  All reports (from L. A. and Orange Counties) were of no damage and no disruption of utilities.  One of our Spanish-speaking members was on HF trying to get info and offering to pass traffic from down there, but he told me that the stations expected to be on the air in the affected region have not been heard from.

Glad you're all OK down there, and hope you hear soon from your friends  on Spring Break.

Oh, and time to buy  a new flat-screen TV, eh?


Marty N6VI
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dennis Younker NE6I 
  To: sccc at contesting.com 
  Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2010 8:01 PM
  Subject: [SCCC] Everyone Okay?

  Everyone come through the shaker okay?  Some rattled nerves here. That was 
  the strongest earthquake we have felt here in San Diego since moving here 21 
  years ago. We actually ran outside...first time ever for that.  No damage 
  here, but a little at some of our offices. Minor stuff though.  An old 19 
  inch TV crashed to the floor.  RIP.

  I am worried for some good friends of mine that I think went to Mexico near 
  the epicenter for Easter. I have been trying to reach them and not had any 
  luck. They're vacation homes are in an isolated area and only one of them 
  has a working cell phone in that spot.  Hopefully they were not in harm's 
  way and I will have a good ending to that story.

  How did everyone here in So Cal fare?  Any damage anywhere?

  --Dennis NE6I 

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