[SCCC] Group buy for 2.4 inch Diameter 31 MIX Material Toroids

Marty Woll n6vi at socal.rr.com
Mon Aug 2 20:43:04 PDT 2010

Hi, all.

After noticing the steep price increase from our 2005 group buy (and being unaware of the tripling of nickel prices since then), I spoke with Dennis and then with K0TO.  Todd already has orders for 1300 (which tells you something about how good these devices are), more than enough to make his minimum.  His estimate of $6.00 per unit was high; he was planning to refund the difference between estimate and actual.  I have been planning a similar buy here in SoCal. so we discussed the benefits of combining our orders.  As it turns out, we can do about as well through one of the distributors I contacted (the shipping has a significant impact on end cost) and, with Todd's agreement, we agreed to pursue our separate orders.  Those of you who have replied to Dennis are welcome to take part in our SoCal buy, which will be for 500 units.  I estimate our final cost (with ham-to-ham delivery, no mailing) to be close to $4.50 per piece., and those on his list that totals roughly 80 pieces will be at the top of my list.  I am working to have the non-backordered portion of our order  (about 300 units) ready by the Santa Barbara Hamfest on August 14, so participants from the near and far reaches can pick them up or have someone do so for them either in Santa Barbara or at the DX Summer Bash at Wayne & Sharon's the following weekend.

So, if you would like some of these toroids at the estimated quantity price of $4.50, please:

a) send me an e-mail with your desired quantity, where you prefer to pick them up, and, if applicable, who is authorized to pick them up for you;

 b) remit a payment to my Paypal account (n6vi at socal.rr.com) for quantity X unit price.  Note that I am not a vendor and cannot take credit-card-based Paypal payments, only those from your linked checking account or existing Paypal balance.  Alternatively you can send a check to my FCC / QRZ / QST home address.  If our final cost comes in a few cents under, I will put the difference into the Amateur Radio Antenna Defense Foundation bank account.  If it comes in a few cents over, I'll deal with it.

If you have questions about the uses of the cores themselves, I suggest you review the excellent write-ups by K9YC, available on his company Web site (http://audiosystemsgroup.com/publish.htm).  Whether for RFI suppression or choke-balun building, the Type 31 cores have proven very effective.


Marty N6VI

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dennis Vernacchia 
  To: SCCC Reflector 
  Sent: Sunday, August 01, 2010 5:13 PM
  Subject: [SCCC] Group buy for 2.4 inch Diameter 31 MIX Material Toroids

  A group buy for 2.4 inch Diameter  31 MIX Material Toroids
  is being planned by Tod K0TO who is in Minnesota

  These work great on all HF freqs on up to 6 mtr band for RFI suppression
  and the hole in center of toroid is large enough to get most AC plugs and
  connectors thru so you don't have to cut connectors off your cables and
  be able ot get sufficient amount of turns around the toroid

  Tod is planning on getting a 1000+ order discount price
  and then splitting order and shipping to clubs etc in 100 piece quantities

  Price will be around $6.00 each for a 100 quantilty  ( including shipping )

  I thought we might be able to use 100 pieces on the  left coast

  I would then hand deliver ( arrange for pick up ) or ship smaller quantities
  for $6.00 each plus
  USPS Priority mail shipping of up to 12 pieces for $6.50 each ( with
  insurance )

  I would expect one would pay at leaat twice this price for small quantities
  of these toroids

  ( Price of Nickel has gone up since I last did a quantity buy a few years
  ago )

  I need to have ordr info by Sunday August 8 to get order placed in time

  I will not make 1 stinkin penny/peso of profit

  73, Dennis N6KI
  SCCC mailing list
  SCCC at contesting.com

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