[SCCC] Visalia Survey

Art K6XT k6xt at arrl.net
Thu Feb 25 12:29:16 PST 2010

I was 'taken in' if that can be accurate, in the sense I took the 
survey. I doubt my answers will contribute to any changes in the current 
setup which I've enjoyed since the early 1970's and hope to continue til 
its push up daisies time.

I won't go to LA. Period. BTDT don't need it again. I won't even if 
someone else drives.

I probably won't go to San Francisco. That's where Pelosi originated. 
Somebody there would probably read the stickers on my car, then firebomb it.

Now that I'm a 1,000 mile commuter Visalia suits me just fine. A big 
reason for leaving 6 land was congestion. If anything it now seems 
worse. Visalia is exceptionally convenient to get in and out of.

Somehow hotel accommodations have just never been much of an issue. I've 
always gotten into the Holiday Inn or the one next to it no problem, 
even when I make the reservation a month before the event. Only a very 
few times have I ever bothered to speed dial endlessly on the "big day".

I did get a hoot out of the Distraction vs Aggravation section. Checked 
them neutral. Bad Bad Survey intended to produce only one outcome.

How about holding the convention in Durango CO? Now there's a venue I 
can appreciate!!

73 Art
Allison, Colorado
"Whether you believe you can do a thing or
not, you are right."  --Henry Ford.

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