[SCCC] FT-DX5000

Art K6XT k6xt at arrl.net
Sat Jun 19 09:58:56 PDT 2010

I just can't believe Yaesu invented a new DR and IP3 specification - 
10kHz offset - almost surely so they could avoid using the ARRL, 
Sherwood etc. standard offset of 2kHz, thereby divulging the likely poor 
performance at real honest to goodness close signal spacing. Like the 
rest of their lineup. Oh. Wait. Yes I can believe it. After all Yaesu is 
the inventor of the IPO nonsense.

Give them benefit of the doubt til real data show up. Be interesting to 
see the first honest review coming from one of the evaluators using 
unobfuscated spacings that can yield comparison to other radios.

73 Art
Allison, Colorado
"Whether you believe you can do a thing or
not, you are right."  --Henry Ford.

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