Bill Haddon haddon.bill at gmail.com
Tue Dec 13 09:58:59 PST 2011

Let's say you are called by KD9GNW (no phonetics) and the stn is weak or
fading. . .

Could be KB9GNW, KB9VNW, KD9BMW etc.  So respond
Kilo Delta Nine Golf November Whiskey and hope the op corrects you if
necessary.  Most will.

I don't see any thing wrong with responding to "Kilo Delta 9 Good Nebraska
Whiskey"  with "KD9GNW" unless you want to compliment the op on his
creative choice of phonetics. otherwise, if you "get" his creative choice,
don't waste the time repeating it. And hopefully, in his mind, he's
spelling that "Wiskey" not Whisky, which must be only Scottish, not

Also, judge the care in your response with your past error rates. . if your
at the 1-2% level whatever you're doing is fine.  But if >4-5%, pay more
attention to the callsign, especially because there may be a penalty above
loss of the QSO for a busted call vs. a busted QTH or number.  With over
1300 Q's this past weekend [so far 6th nationally in MIXED SO LP based on
3830 reports), exactly *one* station gave me a 5-8.

73 Bill n6zfo

Talleyrand Winery
Kelseyville CA

On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 11:18 PM, Dave Hachadorian <k6ll at arrl.net> wrote:

> > Don't repeat the callsigns back phonetically on phone.  Use
> > letters.
> My advice on this is to use exactly the same phonetics he used
> when he called you.  If you use letters, he might hear them
> differently, and think you need a correction, adding a lot more
> time.  Also, non-English speakers don't know the letters, only
> the phonetics.
> Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
> Yuma, AZ
> .
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