[SCCC] CQMM Conflict with Visalia

W6UM at aol.com W6UM at aol.com
Mon Feb 28 09:00:12 PST 2011

My thanks to all who plan further ahead than I do for pointing out the  
conflicting dates. CQMM or Visalia, a difficult choice to make...
We really could use some better contest scheduling coordination to account  
for different national practices. The nearly-always timing of WWCW on  
Thanksgiving weekend is something we have all learned to deal with, but this  
year ARRL DX SSB falls during Carnival celebration in Brazil, when  everyone 
gets 10 ( ! ) days paid vacation. Wish we could swap around so everyone  here 
would get 10 days off starting before WWCW.
Hope to be at Visalia and maybe eke out a couple of mobile CQMM QSOs from  
there while not swapping stories with everyone.
I have suggested to Luc that we encourage more PYs to attend Visalia in  
hopes this might result in future scheduling of CQMM to avoid the  conflict.
73, Chas., W6UM

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