[SCCC] YCCC SO2R Box 4th round of kits

Timothy Coker n6win73 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 11 14:50:46 PDT 2011

Hi guys, I just received an email from Dennis, W1UE, indicating that the
YCCC is ready to run a fourth round of their USB SO2R kit's. They are
looking for commitments to purchase thirty more PCBs before they submit
their order. I am personally going to build one for my shack. Some of our
club members already have this box, but for those interested here are
a couple links:



>From Dennis, W1UE:

If you want more info on the box, please visit www.k1xm.org and navigate to
So2R Box area.  Our method of selling is to accumulate the funds, purchase
parts, then repackage them into kits.  To date, we've kitted about 140 sets,
many of them now on the air.  There is also a Yahoo! group devoted to the
Box that you can join.

Right now, if all of you wanted to purchase a box, I would have orders for
20 kits.
Unfortunately, the fewest number of PCBs our supplier will build at one time
is 50
units, so we need some more orders to make this a go.  If you know anyone
that is
interested, have them drop me a line to SO2RBox at verizon.net and I can add
to the list.  Once I get close to the 50 level, I'll reprice the project and
send out
notices asking for payment.  We don't advertise, other than word of mouth;
we are
not a competitor for any of the fine companies out there that sell SO2R
Boxes and
don't want to be seen as such.

Price?  For a 2-channel unit, price will be between $165 and $180, and its
determined by how many units we can put together.  For 50 units, figure
$180- for
60 units, figure $165.  The difference is the price break we get by having
PCBs/cases at one time.  For a 4-channel unit, that would put the price
$186 and $201.  Any 2-channel unit can be upgraded to a 4-channel unit for
additional $26 of parts in the future if one doesn't wish to do it now.
Yes, I got
my math correct; the $21 difference between the 2 and 4-channel units also
includes the price break for the quantity purchasing of the additional
The price includes the PCB, custom enclosure, all parts for the unit,
of the 3 SMT devices, a power plug, and either 2 or 4 DIN plugs.  All parts
purchased new (no surplus specials).

Any small profit that is made from the sales of the YCCC SO2R Boxes is being
donated to an Amateur Radio Scholarship Fund.  If you are no longer
in a box, please advise so I can remove you from the list.


Tim / N6WIN.

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