[SCCC] Gear for sale - moving and must go

w6now w6now at ham.jdlabs.net
Sun Sep 25 11:15:25 PDT 2011

I am moving to Silicon Valley in 10 days, and many things must go (make me an offer, and take it).

1. SP-8 External Speaker

2. Yaesu MD-100AX Desktop Microphone

3. 40m 402BA-S 2 element beam

4. PwrGate PG40 (new)

5. Diamond Antenna V2000A 6/2/70cm vertical

6. Hustler 6BTBV Trap Vertical + DX Engineer radial plate + 30 radials

7. TH7DX 7 element beam

8. 4130 CDS Tubing AMS 2"OD x .250W x 22' (never used)

9. 6 meter 3 element beam

Everything comes with a manual, and all necessary hardware.

w6now at amsat.org

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