Art - W6KY w6ky at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 19 16:06:53 PDT 2012


The power for this contest is limited to 100 watts.
(do I hear chuckles?) It is amazing how a 100 watt
signal on 20 meters from the East Coast can 
result in a +40 over 9 here. Just amazing! Even
with bad conditions...
East Coast stations probably say the same thing 
about us here on the West Coast.
I'm sure there are many stations, who turn in logs,
that have forgotten/ignore the 100 watt rule. 

73, Art  W6KY

A hangover is   the wrath of grapes

From: N6hc <n6hc at aol.com>
To: sccc at contesting.com
Sent: Sun, August 19, 2012 2:01:51 PM

                    North American QSO Party, SSB - August 2012

Call: N6HC 
Operator(s): N6HC 
Station: N6HC 
Club: Southern California Contest Club 
Class: Single Op LP (SO1R)
Operating Time (hrs): 8.75 

Band  QSOs  Mults 
  160:    0     0 
   80:    0     0 
   40:   75    26 
   20:  466    56 
   15:   81    26 
   10:    0     0 
Total:  622   108  Total Score = 67,176 

Club: Southern California Contest Club 

Team: SCCC #1 


Greetings & salutations to my fellow contesters.  I reluctantly agreed to 
participate part-time in this contest after being baited by Tim (N6WIN) to join 
in the fun.  Then he assigned me to SCCC#1 and gave me a target score to 
achieve!  Talk about pressure :&gt;) 
As mentioned in other postings, ten meters was DOA.  Fifteen was pretty 
non-productive initially but picked up later in the competition when most 
everyone else was on to 20 or 40 meters.  So I made this almost a single band 
contest and knuckled down to business.  I ignored trying to maximize my score 
and tried to maximize my QSO rate on 20 meters.  I was able to move the needle 
to a rate of 240/hour at one point!  When twenty played out, I moved to forty 
for the last hour of operation and then hung up my microphone after exceeding 
the target score. Running 100 watts on twenty SSB is a chore as you try to 
compete with the guys running high power, DXers chasing the latest expedition, 
rag chewers who have an entitlement mentality for their net frequency, and your 
fellow competitors all squeezed into a finite spectrum.  Needless to say, I was 
blown off of a run frequency too many times to recount.  I marvel at the 
stations that I worked and said that they were QRP.  Life's too short for QRP!  
Thanks for all the Qs.  See you from NH8S (Swains Island) next month.  Good 
luck.  Arnie N6HC 

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/ 

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