[SCCC] Appliance Operator

John Simmons kq6es at roadrunner.com
Thu Feb 9 22:00:55 PST 2012

As an AFSK user on the 1000MP, I read with interest but also with general feelings of technical inadequacy http://lists.contesting.com/pipermail/rtty/2012-February/036460.html and others in the short string.

Regardless of how or even if you work RTTY, or what radio(s) you use, these messages really brought home to me how little I know of what modern radios can do. I've had my MP for about 12 years and I love it, but I'm taking advantage of only the tip of the iceberg. There are lots of menu selections sitting idle that might do me some good if I ever take the time to understand them.

John kq6es

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