[SCCC] 3 SCCC Members Activiating Anacapa Island NA-144 July 28-29
Tim Goeppinger
timgep at hotmail.com
Mon Jul 23 21:45:03 PDT 2012
SCCC Members: W6UX, KQ6ES & N6GP
Plus 3 others (future SCCC members?) AE6RS, KR6J & KJ6REP
Island (NA-144) will be activated as W6UX/P with a team of 6
operators during the IOTA contest. As far as we know, NA-144 has not
been activated since we were there last year, so don't miss this chance
to get this rare IOTA in your log! Anacapa also counts for ARLHS
USA-012 and WLOTA-1300 lighthouses, US Island CA-002S, Flora-Fauna WFF
KFF-014 and for Ventura County.
Bands: 40, 20, 15, 10, and possibly WARC (non-contest)
Modes: CW, Phone
Anticipated Operating Schedule:
0000z July 28 - 0600z July 28 (Station checks and non-contest QSOs)
1200z July 28 - 1200z July 29 (RSGB IOTA contest as W6UX/P)
1200z July 29 - 1400z July 29 (Battery power permitting, final non-contest QSOs)
is a battery powered operation (1 "run" station, and 1 "mult" hunter
station), and we will need to conserve power in order to make it all the
way to Sunday. We plan to limit output to 50w unless absolutely
necessary to boost QSO rates. We expect most of the action to be on 20
and 40, but with luck 15 will be open and we are bringing a Moxon for
that band. All other antennas are PAR Endz-fed dipoles. We will be vertically polarized on 20m and 10m.
QSOs are logged as "W6UX/P" and will be uploaded to LOTW and eQSL. To
receive a special NA-144 card, QSL via W6UX. For all non-contest QSOs,
QSL via home calls.
Jeff, W6UX
P.S. From N6GP: We need every QSO you can muster. You can work us once on CW, and once on SSB each band. As you well know, we have a nearly impossible task to compete with East Coast IOTA stations. Tnx & 73 -Tim
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