[SCCC] Advice from Marty, N6VI

Michael S. Mitchell w6rw at earthlink.net
Sat May 19 11:04:13 PDT 2012

I am a practicing CPA (will retire 18 months from now) and my emphasis has been in taxation since 1974. I agree with everything that Marty said. It would be best to form a new organization for educational purposes as Marty has suggested. They could also look for one that already exists but that would mean having to follow the direction of that already existing organization.

This is the reason that the Northern Callifornia DX Club formed the Northern California DX Foundation.

-----Original Message-----
>From: JOHN SCHROEDER <n6qq at msn.com>
>Sent: May 19, 2012 1:21 AM
>To: sccc <sccc at contesting.com>
>Subject: [SCCC] Advice from Marty,  N6VI
>From: n6vi at socal.rr.com
>To: n6qq at msn.com
>Subject: Re: A donation to the club
>Date: Fri, 18 May 2012 07:58:45 -0700
>Hi, John.
>Bearing in mind that I have never been a tax 
>practitioner, here's my take on your question.
>The club is already exempt (under IRC 501(c)(7), I 
>believe) and its incorporating documents all support that classification.  
>Those documents would probably not support public-charity status, which is what 
>you're looking for.  That means you would have to adopt and file new 
>articles of incorporation and bylaws appropriate to a public charity or private 
>foundation.  The club would then have to file a new application for 
>exemption with the IRS.  If granted, there could be new reporting 
>requirements, and you would have to demonstrate that a major portion of your 
>support comes from the public.  My main question is this: What public 
>benefit comes from encouraging Hams to chase DX awards?   I know, the 
>international goodwill and all that . . . but it could be a hard sell with the 
>IRS and, if they deny it, you could not then opt for a different exempt 
>Bottom line: it can be done, but 
>there's time, cost and risk involved.  You might be better off 
>starting a separate entity with, say, an educational goal toward which 
>you would use assets such as the ranch for training radio operators for 
>volunteer public-service communications work.
>Marty N6VI
>  ----- Original Message ----- 
>  From: 
>  To: Marty Woll 
>  Sent: Friday, May 18, 2012 1:21 AM
>  Subject: FW: A donation to the club
>  Marty, can the So Calif. Contest Club be 
>  made into a 501c(3) ??
>  73 John -- N6QQ
>ARRL and CQ awards QSL 
>  checker
>  Past President of Southern California 
>  DX Club - 2011
>  www.scdxc.org
>  http://www.qrz.com/db/N6QQ 
>  Subject: Re: A donation to the club
>From: cjscreek at gmail.com
>Date: Thu, 17 May 
>  2012 20:05:36 -0700
>CC: board at scdxc.org
>  kendrick.w at ca.rr.com
>Personally NO, it's difficult enough being a 
>  501c(7) In my opinion, find a real 501c(3) I don't think San Diego is a 
>  501c(3).
>  Cathy
>  On May 17, 2012, at 12:39 PM, Bill Kendrick wrote:
>    Is this motivation to upgrade to 501C(3)? Lee's station is phenomenal. 
>    Anza
>is out there and maybe SDDXC is more capable of handling it than us. 
>What do you think?
>    Message-----
>From: Craig A. Williams [mailto:craig at craigwilliams.com] 
>Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 8:45 PM
>To: n6rv at scdxc.org
>Cc: n6rv at arrl.net
>Subject: A donation to the 
>    club
>Hi Bill
>I have been retained by the attorney of the Anza 
>    Radio Ranch,
>http://www.w6bh.com/ , to find a 501c3 amateur radio club 
>    that would be
>interested in receiving title, and taking over operations 
>    of the Ranch.
>Talks are preliminary but they are looking at donating the 
>    property and
>facilities and possibly providing funding for continued 
>    operations.
>Could you please talk around your club and see if they 
>    may be interested and
>if yes provide me with a club contact I can send to 
>    the Ranch attorney for
>further discussions.
>Craig A. 
>    Williams W6CAW
>Information Technology Consultant
>H - 619-478-2769
>    - 619-806-4146
>craig at craigwilliams.com
>SCCC mailing list
>SCCC at contesting.com

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