[SCCC] CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY - 2012

Marty Woll n6vi at socal.rr.com
Mon Oct 1 01:07:26 EDT 2012

Good going, Ray.  I put in just over 12 hours with no computer (pencil, paper, 'phones & paddle plus the K-3) and managed a couple of hundred QSOs for just over 100k points.  There was an  impressive number of DX stations participating..


Marty N6VI

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ray Day 
  To: sccc at contesting.com 
  Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2012 6:39 PM
  Subject: [SCCC] N6HE RESULTS - CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY - 2012

                      CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY

  Call: N6HE

  Operator(s): N6HE

  Station: N6HE

  Class: SOAB HP

  QTH: So. Calif.

  Operating Time (hrs): 28:17


  Band  QSOs  Pts   State/Prov  DX   Zones


     80:   25    31         17       4        5

     40:  124   205       37      22    13

     20:  181   283       43      28    19

     15:  206   437       38      44    22

     10:  109   256       19      28    20


  Total:  645  1212      154     126    79  Total Score = 435,108

  Club: Southern California Contest Club


  Had a blast! Operated 28 hours. HI power, but with 25-foot-high dipoles
  (felt like I was running a sprint carrying a suitcase). 

  The "Screw-Up Fairy" visited me a few times, but Murphy only ate an audio
  filter this time, so no complaints. 

  Saw MY call spotted a couple of times (this NEVER happens!) so I thought the
  software was having problems. Har! 

  Favorite thing: seeing a guy send "STOP TAIL-ENDING, YOU LID!" during a pile-up. 

  Suggestion to CQ-ing stations: Please send your TU or QSL to me before my
  call, not after it. I know you're talking to me, and all I need is the
  TU/QSL - and quickly. It helps speed me on my way. It'd be greatly
  appreciated by many, I know. Tnx!

  Mystery-Of-The-Universe-Question:  Why do I get visited by the Screw-Up
  Fairy in QSO's with people I know? Why can't all those fumble-fingered or
  brain burp embarrassing things happen when I'm in an exchange with someone I
  don't know and will no doubt never meet? Why with my friends?

  See you next year!

  73 and GL, 

  Ray N6HE
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