[SCCC] CQ Magazine is CHEAP on your Smart Phone !

Dennis Vernacchia n6ki73 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 30 23:00:03 EDT 2012

This info from N8ELK on the KX3 Reflector

I have NO pecuniary interest in this matter !

73, Dennis N6KI

2012 CQ Amateur Radio Magazine
  *Hey folks. Just dropping a quick note here about CQ digital magazine

A digital subscription costs $27/yr.....BUT,  If you go to your local app
store (apple,android)
and download the ZINIO AP first
and subscribe with it,.......... its only $11.99. I*

*Another Reason to consider a Tablet Computer !*
*( Reading a magazine on a 3 or4 inch screen is Brutal on the eyeballs etc

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