[SCCC] Fwd: W6C to activate Modoc County for CQP

Timothy Coker n6win73 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 3 05:22:25 EDT 2013

Sending this for Ron. It looks pretty fun.


Tim / N6WIN.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ron Fitch (WQ6X) <Ron at wq6x.info>
Date: Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 9:29 PM
Subject: Fwd: W6C to activate Modoc County for CQP
To: Timothy Coker <n6win73 at gmail.com>

 I sent this to the SCCC reflector and had it rejected:

The message's content type was not explicitly allowed

Possibly you can forward this so people know that Modoc will be happening.

Thank You.

-------- Original Message --------  Subject: W6C to activate Modoc County
for CQP  Date: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 02:33:56 -0700  From: Ron Fitch (WQ6X)
<Ron at WQ6X.Info> <Ron at WQ6X.Info>  To: ron at wq6x.info

N6GEO will be joining WQ6X to activate Modoc county for CQP.

You can find more information about our operation at the WQ6X CQP Website:


Put out the word of our operation and join us in the fun.


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