[SCCC] W1AW/6 update

Glenn Rattmann k6na at cts.com
Tue Feb 11 19:00:13 EST 2014

Hosts and operators,

ARRL has received a couple of complaints 
regarding interference from W1AW/x operations, 
justified or not....  Not to get into the whole 
topic, but to gently remind you of some potential 
spots--regular nets or areas of activity... here is a brief list:

Most problems are in phone bands.  When on RTTY, 
it's good to avoid PSK and JT channels.  PSK is 
usually around .070.  JT around .075 or .076.

Centers of activity– assume at minimum, plus or 
minus 1.5 kHz should always be observed.  DX 
operating areas, like from 3.790-3.800 probably 
shouldn’t be used unless you can run some DX.

On 75m, everything is busy, evenings.  Ask 
several times whether a frequency is in use, 
before starting up.  Seemingly 3.803-3.808 have 
been pretty good.  (and keep your carrier 
frequency at 3803 or higher, so LSB Generals who 
call you won't be out of their sub-band!)

On 40m there is  a Triple H net on 7.190 after 0700Z.

Century Club operates nets all over the place, 
with the biggest collision area on 40m around 7.188 or 7.178 .
Some others:

28.425  KC4TVZ Channel
14.195 IT9RYH channel
14230 SSTV
14300 Maritime
14.313  RF Sewer
3905 CC
3668  Geritol net
1.847-1.852  Rag Chewing
1.860  News bulletin

Hosts, thanks for stepping up for this activity.  Have a great time!

73, Glenn K6NA  Coordinator

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