[SCCC] Skimmer Filter for N6WS-2

Bill Shell n6ws at n6ws.com
Tue Jun 10 22:45:02 EDT 2014

Hi All,

I have been leaving N6WS-2 (n6ws.no-ip.org:7302) in a mode that displays 
Worldwide Spots, CW Skimmers (RBN), and Digital Mode Skimmers (RCK).  
When I made that change from Worldwide and Digital Skimmer spots, I did 
not expect the number of email comments from users preferring no CW 
Skimmer spots.  I should have realized by the increased number of 
connections during digital mode contests, that was the preferred mode 
for spots.  But...  Since everyone seems to have accepted the use of 
filters as a compromise in the emails I have answered, I thought I would 
pass along that information before another digital mode contest weekend, 
and more emails.

For anyone connecting to N6WS-2 that wants to filter out the CW 
Skimmers, you can use the following filter:
*reject/spot 2 info wpm*
When this filter is invoked, you will receive Worldwide Spots plus the 
Digital Mode Skimmers.  I checked the DX Spot history, and very few 
non-RBN or non-Beacon spots contain 'WPM' in the Comment field. The 
other two static elements in the Skimmer spot Comment field 'dB' and 
'CW' were very common in Worldwide DX spots.  So, filtering those 
elements would cause you to miss too many non-Skimmer spots.

To clear the filter you can use:
*clear/spot 2*

The number 2 in both commands is for the second filter.  The use of 
filter number 2 will allow you to simultaneously use the examples I 
previously provided to filter for zones in filter number 1.  Those 
examples in my previous email are:

Zones 1-5:
*reject/spot 1 not by_zone 1,2,3,4,5*
I use this one for stateside contests.
This is the default filter set on the W6KK, W6RFU, & K6SY DXSpider nodes.

Zones 1-5,14,15
*reject/spot 1 not by_zone 1,2,3,4,5,14,15*
I use this one in the morning for 20, 15, & 10 when there is propagation 
to Europe.

Zones 1-5,9,11,13
*reject/spot 1 not by_zone 1,2,3,4,5,8,11,13*
I use this on when there propagation is good to the SE.

Zones 1-5,24,25,30
*reject/spot 1 not by_zone 1,2,3,4,5,24,25,30*
I use this one when there is propagation to Asia.

You can clear the Zone filter by using:
*clear/spot 1*

To clear all filters to see everything use:
*clear/spot all*

I have these filter set into my N1MM and DXLab as function keys for the 
Telnet windows.  That helps me remember the syntax of the command.  Or, 
in reality, it really helps me forget the command syntax, because they 
are just mouse-clicks.

73 es GUD DX,

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