[SCCC] New England QSO Party

Jeff Kincaid, W6JK w6jk at arrl.net
Thu May 1 13:28:55 EDT 2014

The antennas at Harvey Mudd look like they've fallen on hard times, but were pretty impressive.  They do still have a room there for the club (I've seen the door), but I wonder if there's anything going on there.

Jeff W6JK

 From: Bill Haddon <haddon.bill at gmail.com>
To: Kurt Pauer <w6ph73 at gmail.com> 
Cc: w6ph at aol.com; SCCC Reflector <sccc at contesting.com> 
Sent: Thursday, May 1, 2014 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: [SCCC] New England QSO Party

W6PH wrote re NEQP:

>There is a very nice plaque for the highest single op score in the west.

-- Also plaque for most distant station to work all counties.   And if
you're really lucky:
-- The Framingham Amateur Radio Association <http://www.fara.org/> will
award a Lobster dinner for two to the USA single op (non-New England)
winner. [a bit difficult for west coast]

-- there's also club competition which could be won by a W Coast club that
was well organized.

Tom, K1KI has been an organizer and promoter of NEQP since its inception in
about 2001.  You may recall that Tom, as WB6KIL, co-organized the first
running of the CQP in 1966 while a student at Claremont High School.  Just
prior to that I had organized the Claremont Colleges ARC while at Harvey
Mudd 1959-1964 (WA6LYL    . . six lovely young ladies. . NOT).  Wish we had
thought of it!

73 Bill n6zfo

On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 9:51 AM, Kurt Pauer <w6ph73 at gmail.com> wrote:

> This weekend is the NEQP on Saturday and Sunday.  There are two sessions:
>  Saturday from 1 pm PDT to 10 pm PDT and Sunday from 6 am PDT to 5 pm PDT.
>  The exchange is 599 CA for California stations.  New England stations send
> a five letter group, the first three letters are the county and the last
> two letters are the state.  For instance, HILNH is Hillsborough County New
> Hampshire.  There are 67 counties in New England and the list with
> abbreviations may be found at www.neqp.org.  The website is similar in
> content to the Cal QSO Party.
> There are three other events going on this weekend as well:  7QP, Indiana
> QP, and ARI.  There is information on the web on how to operate in all of
> them simultaneously.  Saturday is always difficult to work New England
> stations as the 7QP stations are much louder.  However, Sunday is pretty
> easy.
> There are currently three rover stations that will fill in the sparsely
> populated counties:  WA1Z/m, NZ1U/m, and KM3T/m.  WA1Z will be working NH
> and VT, NZ1U will be working NH and ME, and KM3T is planning southern New
> England (MA and RI).
> Now the shameless part.  I will be driving for Bob, WA1Z, and will be
> listening through the car radio speaker.  He has great ears and will be
> listening for 6's.  Look for him around 047.5 above the band edge.  If
> anyone is interested in our schedule, send me an e-mail at w6ph at aol.com.
> There is a very nice plaque for the highest single op score in the west.
> I hope to hear a lot of 6's in the log.
> 73, Kurt W6PH/1
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