[SCCC] CWops Tests Wednesday/Thursday

Hank Garretson w6sx at arrl.net
Sun Nov 23 11:05:29 EST 2014

Join us for CW fun. Three one-hour three sessions: 1300-1400Z Wednesday,
1900-2000Z Wednesday, and 0300-0400Z Thursday (Wednesday night).

CWops Tests rules are at http://www.cwops.org/cwt.html .

Everyone welcome. You don't need to be CWops member to join the fun.

CWops Tests exchange. Members: Name and CWops Member Number. Nonmembers:
Name and State, Province, or DX Country Prefix.

Lots of contacts or just a few, please report your result to
http://3830scores.com/ . When posting scores, please note following:

I noticed that some CWT participants include a log or list of calls worked
> in the comments section when they post to 3830scores.com. ... Generally,
> we've discourage posting of logs in the comments section as inappropriate
> and the form processing removes comments that look like log QSO entries.
> Thanks. 73 de Bruce, WA7BNM

Thank you Bruce. Without 3830, the contest community would be much poorer.
Indeed without 3830, there would be no CWops Tests. We couldn't do it
without you.

*The first rule of CW is to have fun and to share the fun. *
CW Exuberantly,

Hank, W6SX

CWops Tests Manager

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