W6ph at aol.com W6ph at aol.com
Sun Dec 6 18:14:29 EST 2015


                    ARRL 160-Meter Contest

Call: W6PH

Operator(s): W6PH

Station: W6PH

Class: Single Op HP

QTH: Lone Pine CA (ORG Section)

Operating Time (hrs): 10


Total:  QSOs = 547  Sections = 77  Countries = 7  Total Score = 95,424

Club: Southern California Contest Club


Equipment: K3 SPE 1.3K-FA

Antenna:  Homebrew inductively loaded sloper below 5L 10M yagi at 60 feet

I thought that conditions were not that great.  I had atmospheric noise at 

to S7 both nights.  Additionally signals were generally weaker than in past 

contests.  A marker for me is the quantity and strength of signals from W1. 

had less than 10 contacts this year with W1 and they were in and out of the


The band does not go long until 4 pm PST.  Signals from well equipped 

all over the US start arriving and many are workable.  After about an hour 

band goes into a lull and comes out fairly strong around 7 pm.

Without a receiving antenna I am an alligator at times as the noise masked 

callers.  I apologize for that.

A friend called in late Saturday night asking if I had heard NE which I had

not.  After we signed, a NE station called in two contacts later.  I was 

missing WTX on Sunday morning and calling CQ with no answers.  A very faint

K5OAI called in as the sky was getting light and gave me WTX as my last


I ended up missing NL, VT, NNY, ONN, PR, and NT.  DX were VP2, PJ2, VP9, TI,

JA, XE, and C6.

My enthusiasm level wasn't that high with all the noise.  I quit at 10 pm on

Friday night and at 11 pm on Saturday night.  I did get back up for the last

two hours of darkness both mornings but most of the band had been worked 

In general I thought activity was lower than in past years.

73, Kurt W6PH

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