[SCCC] N6VR - For sale list

Ray Benny rayn6vr at cableone.net
Tue Jul 14 04:17:48 EDT 2015

I have too much stuff and need to part with it so that I can buy some other stuff. 

You are welcome to pass this list along to friends, clubs or other reflectors. 

For sale: 

1. Henry 3K Amp. Puts out legal limit on all HF bands (no 160m). This amp has a 

roller inductor in the tuned circuit, so it can tune any freq, 3.5 to 30 MHZ.- $1200 

2. Selling for a friend - Ameriton AL811HD w/572B tubes. 500w - 600w on 10m - 
160m. 2 years old. Included, Ameritron ARB-704, amp keying interface - $600 

3. Mosley TA34 Sr. Tribander, 4 elements - 10m, 15m, 20m. It’s old but complete. - $250 

4. Kenwood TR7800 2m mobile FM radio w/microphone, 13.5 VDC - $75 

5. Kenwood 221A 2m mobile FM radio, 13.5 VDC, w/microphone - $75 

6. Astron PS35A 13.5 VDC 35 amp power supply - $100 

7. HP Spectrum Analyzer Unit – 8555A – RF Section, 8552B – IF Section & 140T 

Display, with manuals. Works. Purchased from Al, W7XA but find I don’t use it. - $250. 

>From my old Packet Cluster Node days: 

8. Alinco DR1200T Data radio, 2m 13.5 VDC - $75 

9. Alinco DR1400TQ 2m VHF transciever, 13.5 VDC - $75 

I have about 10 Motorola Mitrek radio 35 w to 80w, for 2m FM, 6m FM, and 

432/440 FM Mhz split pairs. Plus a dozen or more sets working xtal elements. - Offer? 

I also have a few PAC Comm DRSI cards, TNCs, and other packet radio items. 

All equipment is in good condition. Some of it has been stored for 5 years 
or more, but I will make sure it works before I sell it. 

Would consider offers. I can bring some of it to the Williams, AZ Swapmeet on the 24 th . 

Reply with email, or call me at 928 848-2158 

Tnx & 73, 

Ray, N6VR 
Chino Valley, AZ 

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