Bill Haddon haddon.bill at gmail.com
Thu Feb 25 00:55:48 EST 2016

Marko wrote:
future of the hobby is really questionable.

That seems a bit too pessimistic to me;  Some good recruitment efforts are
underway in the contesting area. We had a high school (now Freshman in
college) YL join NCCC a couple years ago. We've had high school and college
ops in the NS/NS Ladder.  It may take just a few who then get their friends
interested -- there could be a surprising multiplier effect.

I'd give the situation a few years and then re-assess.  Removing/reducing
CW requirements did not bring an end to new cw ops as many forecast; the
vigorous efforts of the CW Ops group may be remedial.

There's a general reduced interest in hobbies in school-age folks.  The
running group I belonged to (Tamalpa Runners) had serious worries about the
lack of young runners; but they took steps to reverse it. Astronomy, which
I'm heavily involved in now, has the same youth recruitment problem.   It's
not only radio.

73 Bill n6zfo   (NCCC member slumming on the SCCC reflector)

On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 1:08 PM, Marko Myllymaki <
marko.l.myllymaki at gmail.com> wrote:

> Yeah, or check on-line what your ham radio robots have worked using
> timeshared remote stations.  I think it is only 10 years away and we will
> start seeing it.  Enough time to adapt and find new hobby if we don’t find
> it interesting future.  I mean, I have seriously thought about that future
> myself and if I’m actually investing way too much time and money on this
> dead end hobby on long term.  We only live one time here and
> ​​
> future of the hobby is really questionable.  I will be 50 this year and if
> I’m able to stay alive next 30+ years I think I will definetly see end of
> this hobby before my own exit.  I have no doubt of it and it makes you
> wonder if this is good hobby to have instead of something else or should I
> start gradually shifting resources and focus on something else.

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