[SCCC] FW: Ham Radio - when_giants_walked_the_bands.pdf

Dennis Younker NE6I NE6I at cox.net
Mon Jun 6 23:29:32 EDT 2016

In case you guys missed this on the CQ-Contest reflector...

  Wow! These were big contest stations in the 1960s and that time frame.

Slide 44 Is 5 elements on 40 meters at W6VSS, later K6UA Dale in Fallbrook.
Other pics of his station follow later.

Slide 155 The N5AU antenna farm. Amazing. 

Side 144 Rohn 80? My gosh! Most hams install Rohn 25, 45 or in some cases,
55 as their main tower. Rohn 80? Holy cow!



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