[SCCC] free tower

Kate Hutton katehutton at gmail.com
Tue Aug 22 14:39:48 EDT 2017

I now have more information about the free tower.  I have three inquiries
so far ... so you may want to read the fine print below.  Could the three
inquiries get back to me to let me know if they are still interested?

73 Kate K6HTN

Yes, Jim Marr sent this description.
Note that it is only 66 feet, not 90.  My error.


Begin forwarded message:

*From:* James Marr <jcmarr4 at mac.com>
*Date:* August 18, 2017 at 09:39:27 PDT
*To:* Minger John <john.minger at gmail.com>
*Cc:* Bob Vanderwall <vanderwallbob at yahoo.com>, Jim Marr <aa6qi at arrl.net>
*Subject:* *Re: Tower Description*


The tower was manufactured by Heights (http://www.heightstowers.com).

I don’t know the exact model number but it is an aluminum, 66 ft, three
section, telescoping tower similar to those that you can find on the
Heights website under ‘products’.

The tower needs a substantial amount of work.  Specifically:
- A number of holes (something like 2” by 1/2”) have been warn through the
tower’s vertical elements where they were in contact with the guide
pulleys.  These holes will require a bit of aluminum welding to rebuild
- The thrust bearing at the top of the tower needs replacing because we had
to split it in order to get the mast out when we took the tower down.
- The mast between the rotor and antenna needs to be replaced.
- A new base for the tower will need to be constructed since the old one
was embedded in concrete and left in place.
- The special ‘headless’ bolts used to attache the segments of each
telescoping section will need to be replaced since we had to cut them to
get the tower apart.

The tower does come with a rotor and rotor controller but I don’t know what
the model is.  It is a big one though, something like a CDE Ham-M or such.
It likely needs to be disassembled and lubricated (not a difficult job;
I’ve done this to other rotors before).

— Jim

On Aug 18, 2017, at 9:18 AM, John Minger <john.minger at gmail.com> wrote:

Bob and Jim,

Since the big tower has been left temporarily on Kate's driveway, there is
some urgency to getting it gone.  I'd like to use a better description than
just "90 foot crank-up", in hopes that the right ham will read it and
decide to take it.  For example, who manufactured it?  Any suggestions will
be welcome.


On Tue, Aug 22, 2017 at 8:17 AM, Kate Hutton <katehutton at gmail.com> wrote:

> Contesters -
> A 90 ft (?) aluminum crank-up tower was donated to the Pasadena Radio Club
> & they don't have a use for it.  It is currently "stored" in my driveway
> (in Pasadena) & is free for the hauling.
> It is in three 10-12 ft sections, each nested.  Two physically-fit people
> can lift each section.
> If it's not gone in a week, we're going to be looking for a scrap dealer.
> 73 Kate Hutton K6HTN

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