[SCCC] Spots that aren't spotted (rather spotty spotting)

Bob Grubic bobgrubic at gmail.com
Sun Aug 27 14:00:18 EDT 2017

So, yesterday a friend and I operated in the U.S. Islands Awards Program
QSO Party from Gilbert Island in Huntington Beach in a very small, tranquil
park called Tarbox Park. We operated on CW (me) and digital (him)--only one
Phone QSO to pick up a multiplier.

A friend would spot us from time to time on DX Summit (www.dxsummit.fi)
from his cell phone. Each time, the phone gave confirmation that the spot
was submitted. But, sometimes the spot would appear in the listing and
sometimes not. When it appeared, it appeared nearly instantaneously. He
even spotted us 3 time in a row--with confirmation--and we were not
"spotted. This would happen (and not happen) with the same filters in place
(20m, CW, NA  or  20m, digi, NA).

Can anyone give me an explanation as to why that might happen? I'd
appreciate it

BTW, not a very good weekend for a US Islands QSP Party with the Ohio,
Kansas, AND Hawaii QSO Parties going on at the same time. Could this have
had anything to do with it? Anybody know for sure?

Thank you.

Bob NC6Q

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