[SCCC] Fwd: Major Change to ARRL By Laws proposed by Hudson Div. Director N2YBB

Dennis Vernacchia n6ki73 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 22 00:53:29 EST 2017

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Bob Wilson, N6TV" <n6tv at arrl.net>
Date: Dec 21, 2017 9:17 PM
Subject: Major Change to ARRL By Laws proposed by Hudson Div. Director N2YBB
To: "NCCC Reflector" <nccc at contesting.com>, "NCCC BoD Plus"
<nccc-bod-plus at nccc.cc>, "MLDXCC Reflector" <mldxcc at contesting.com>, "NCDXC
Reflector" <chat at ncdxc.org>, "Jim Tiemstra" <k6jat at arrl.net>

"ARRL is a representative democracy — its members control its policies
through the power of the ballot."

Source:  http://www.arrl.org/organization-structure

This could change quickly.

ARRL Hudson Division Director Mike Lisenco, N2YBB, the same Director who
negotiated the flawed Amateur Radio Parity Act, is now proposing a major
change to the longstanding voting rules of the ARRL Board of Directors.
Instead of 15 Directors having sole voting privileges, one per ARRL
Division, he is proposing to give additional voting privileges to the ARRL
President (K5UR) and the three (3) ARRL Vice Presidents (K0GW, N5ZGT,
K0QB), none of whom are elected directly by the membership.  Effectively,
the Dakota Division (ND, SD, and MN) would get 15.8% of the voting power (3
out of 19 votes) even though they represent less than 3% of the ARRL
membership.  It also means that even if all five Directors up for election
this summer are replaced, instead of a potential 8 to 7 majority in favor
of more BoD openness, they would now represent an 8 to 11 *minority*.

To review, these five directors (including N2YBB) all supported the revised
Amateur Radio Parity Act, they all voted in favor of the flawed Code of
Conduct, and they all voted in favor of the censuring of N6AA.

I've published N2YBB's proposed changes to the ARRL By-Laws as a single PDF
file here:


*I hereby urge our Director, W6RGG, and all ARRL Directors, to vote AGAINST
this proposal. * It's an obvious move to put more power into the hands of
those who already have it, instead of into the hands the ARRL membership
where it belongs.

Feel free to forward these messages.

Bob, N6TV
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Here are some proposed changes to the ARRL Articles of Association and
By-Laws that have been submitted by the Hudson Division Director. Note that
he has given permission to talk to anyone about it as shown in the note now
at the top.

From: Mike Lisenco <n2ybb at arrl.org>
As far as I know you can talk about it to anyone. Also, why would you think
the cover text is confidential. I also have no problem attaching my name
especially since I wrote the damn thing.


The Secretary has received the attached seven changes to the Articles of
Association and By-Laws than Director Lisenco will be making at the January
board meeting.  They have been received and circulated more than 30-days
before the January 19th meeting.

Mike has asked that we include his brief statement (below) as part of this

I am introducing a number of amendments to the Articles of Association and
the By-Laws that are designed to grant voting privileges to the President
and the three Vice-Presidents.  They would have voting equality with the
Directors on all matters with one notable exception.  They would not be
able to vote in elections for the officer positions.

I believe that this is long overdue.  We look to elect from the Board those
who we feel would be the best leaders of the Board, yet we take their vote
away as the price of admission.  That diminishes their authority and their
ability to lead.  It also makes the potential officer talent pool smaller
as, perhaps, the best person for the job won’t run for an officer position
because they lose their vote.

It doesn’t make sense to me to continue this practice.  Let’s get away from
the “that’s how we always have done it” mentality.

It make sense that we allow the officers the right to vote.  Yes, it does
change the political landscape but I think it’s for the better and it will
make the Board stronger.

I’d be interested in what you think on the matter.  We have over a month to
come to a consensus.

Thank you.

73 de Mike N2YBB

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